Pin Code 793123 | Post offices under pincode 793123

The Postal Index Code 793123 commonly known as PIN or pin code belongs to an area in Ri Bhoi,India. The '7' indicates the East postal region in India.The second digit '9' and the third digit '3' combined represent a sorting district within Ri Bhoi . The last three digits '123' identifies the post office delivering mail to a locality in Ri Bhoi.

List of 1 post offices for Pin code 793123

Details of Post Office - Umsaw

Post Office Name:Umsaw S.O

Address:Postmaster, Post Office Umsaw S.O - Sub Office, Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya ,India, Pin Code: -793123

District Name: Ri Bhoi

State Name: Meghalaya

Pin Code: 793123

Post Office Type: Sub Office

Delivery Status: Delivery

Postal Division: Meghalaya

Postal Region: Shillong HQ

Postal Circle: North Eastern

Latitude: 26.036524

Longitude: 92.083764

The pin code came into existence in India on 15th August 1972 and was introduced by former additional secretary in the Union Ministry of Communications Shriram Bhikaji Velankar. The objective was to simplify the organizing of the mail and speed up the transmission of parcels. The purpose was to eliminate the confusion caused by the same names of various places and the usage of various multiple languages to write addresses.

Pin code is the backbone of the Indian Postal Department. There are more than 1,50,000 post offices in India with 90 % in rural areas. With the world changing from written letters to email for communication, one may find the postal system slightly obsolete now however the role it plays in e-commerce platforms can hardly be underestimated. The present post offices are replaced by different types of digital platforms and have become part of government schemes like MGNREGA, old age pension payments and providing life insurance coverage under postal life insurance.

Faqs for pincode 793123

Q1: Which area pin code is 793123.

A1: Pin code 793123 belongs to Umsaw S.O in Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya.

Q2: How many post offices are associated with pin code 793123 ?.

A2: There are 1 post offices on the pin code 793123.

Q3: How to find a nearby post office to pin code 793123 in Ri Bhoi using ensearchopedia ?.

A3: You can use Pin code search tool to check the details of any post office at 793123 in Ri Bhoi.

Q4: How many Head Post Offices (H.O), Sub Post Offices (S.O), and Branch Offices (B.O) are at 793123 ?.

A4: There are 0 Head Post Offices (H.O), 1 Sub Post Offices (S.O) and 0 Branch Offices (B.O) at 793123.

Disclaimer: The information provided by Ensearchopedia on pin code 793123 is latest and updated regularly as per the data available on the official website of the India Postal Department but the users hereby are advised to verify the postal code 793123 information with the concerned Post Office in Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya. However, takes no responsibility and cannot be liable for any damages caused by the use of information on account of being temporarily unavailable, data not updated, incorrect data, or any other technical issues beyond our control.

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